So the cover band I was in finally bothered to let me know — by email — that they’ve decided I’m not in it after all. This after no practice for three weeks, and a sudden gig that the four of them took and performed at without even letting me know about it. The lead singer insists that they’re “just looking to scale back” and that they were pleased enough with my playing and liked me personally. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
Basically, either they weren’t being honest about what they’re looking for, or are just too flighty to know. Either way, they communicated badly and insulted me with their disregard.
I’m disappointed, because it’s fun playing music I like with other good musicians. But I don’t particularly want to be part of a group that treats people like this. So, really, it’s just as well.
bah, fuck ’em. you’re better off. find another crew that works.
Don’t fuck ’em. That sort of groupie thing never works to get you into a band.
And frankly… They’re a Cover Band.
You’re probably more talented then them and they felt threatened. Just make your own band!
I would definitely not say I’m more talented; they’re all excellent at what they do, and certainly wouldn’t have found me threatening. If anything, the guy I figure was largely behind it is a little full of himself. But thanks for the vote of confidence.
I’m already looking around for another group to play with.
Yeah, that’s classy. Sucks, but now you’re a free agent!
Sorry to hear about the lousy treatment, man. It’s baffling, the disregard some people have for basic courtesy. I say “basic courtesy” because I think it’s probably incorrect to call it “common courtesy” anymore.
At any rate, good luck finding another group, man. So long as you’ve got music to share, I’m sure there are people out there to help you find the opportunity.
i think so much trouble could be saved if people were just upfront to begin with…
also, i just had a dream about you.
Want me to go let the air out of their tires?