Which of these things did Bryce not do today?
(A) Got his eyelid lanced.
(B) Destroyed an ecosystem.
(C) Finished Christmas shopping.
(D) Repaired the minivan.
Survey SAYS!..
Answer: C. Here’s the breakdown:
(A) I’ve had a stye way down under/in my eyelid for some time. Antibiotics shrunk it a tiny bit, but it withheld the siege. So my opthamologist did a frontal assault on it today. It’s a sore and scabbed, and a bit smaller still, but there’s still a hard lump under there which seems to have made itself quite comfortable. Anyway.
(B) I cleaned up the wet mounds of leaves in our driveway today, upheaving the lives of centipedes, worms, ants, and even a mushroom. Bonus eco-destruction points for using a gas-powered leaf blower. 😛
(C) Yeah, I just have one more thing to get though. I think.
(D) It was only a brake light blub replacement, but that totally counts, I say.
Ha, I knew it wasn’t B!
Congrats on earning those Badges. Now please take this sample of *whatever* to Dr Miriam Stuffhousen in Kings Row…
I was going to guess D. I was way off!
you’re more powerful than I reckoned
I must be a dummy, because I was going to vote “B”.
I totally got it
Rule of Three, baby!